Self-Care and Healing Workshop for Sexual Violence Survivors

April 10, 2020

On Friday, April 10th, the Consortium hosted an online self-care workshop for survivors in collaboration with the Survivor Advocacy Program. Dr. Ranjbar provided insight into how various interlocking traumas impact our brain and bodies, drawing attention to the ways in which COVID-19 has made survivors of domestic and sexual violence particularly vulnerable to retraumatization. Dr. Ranjbar guided participants through a meditation as well as different mind-body exercises that have been proven to help survivors cope psychologically in the aftermath of sexual violence and other compounding traumatic events. Our deepest thanks to Dr. Ranjbar and all the participants! A video recording of the workshop will be available as a resource for survivors through the Survivor Advocacy Program soon. 

*April is sexual assault awareness month. This event honored and celebrated the courage of all survivors.